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NAPO is the premier national association dedicated to the field of organizing. With more than 2,500 members, NAPO's purpose is to share information about this growing industry and to define quality standards for the Organizing Profession.
There are local NAPO Chapters all over the world. These Chapters are comprised of dedicated Organizing Professionals within a targeted geographic area. NAPO Chapter members meet monthly to help promote and continue developing the organizing industry in their vicinity.
Members of local Chapters also have the opportunity to attend an Annual NAPO Conference. This is where members meet with other Professional Organizers from around the world. Opportunities for continued education and networking are just some of the many benefits of this Conference.
Throughout the year, you may hear about "Get Organized Month" or "Organize Your Office Week." These and many other promotions are sponsored by NAPO.
Be sure to look for these special promotions and join thousands of others who are benefitting from hiring a Professional Organizer and getting more organized both at work and at home.
To find a Professional Organizer in your state or country, please visit:
National Association of Professional Organizers