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Keeping the Foyer Uncluttered

by Julia

My foyer, the first area that everyone sees when entering my house, is often cluttered with shoes, umbrellas, and hanging jackets. Since I do not have an adjoining closet, how do I keep my narrow foyer clutter free?

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Mar 11, 2010
Keeping an Uncluttered Foyer
by: The Organizer

Hi Julia. I hear you, keeping foyers clutter free is quite a challenge, especially if you have limited space. I'm lucky in that my family enters and exits through the laundry room so all of their thrown off shoes, jackets and backpacks clutter up my laundry room and the front entry of the house is only used by guests.

If you don't have such an option, let's decide what you can do with it.

First, let's take on the umbrellas. There are great decorative umbrella stands that you can find to match your décor so that it looks like the umbrellas are supposed to be there. Hall trees can be great for hanging jackets and storing shoes if your foyer is wide enough to house one. If not, you might consider putting a decorative box or basket in the foyer for kicked off shoes accompanied by a wall mounted coat rack.

These simple measures will keep it from looking like clutter and believe me, other people do understand that a house full of people going in and out of the house creates chaos on your home décor. These solutions might not be ideal, but at least it will give the impression that you try to contain it.

-The Organizer

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