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How to sort, shop and organize around the kids

by Rita

I think it is hard to take everything out and then sort it, come up with shelving ideas and bin storage and then have to leave the piles in your room while going to the different stores to find the right storage bins, return home, install all of the new shelving all without kiddos stringing the stuff around the house. (: I have 6 kids and find it so hard to get AHEAD. I need them to go on a week long vacation and let me stay home and tear apart the house and reorganize it. But I don't think that's going to happen. Any ideas?

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May 10, 2010
Organizing with Lots of Kids in the House
by: The Organizer

Hi Rita,

Your situation required A LOT of thought. It's hard to keep one to three kids out of the "stuff" while you organize it. I can't imagine six with their individual personalities.

I came up with idea that might work. How about turning it into a game?

Get some "keep out" tape like law enforcement uses for crime scenes and appoint a child as a guard maybe with a security hat or something to keep the other children out of the room that you are organizing. Rotate the "security agent" between children to give each of them a piece of the action. This would make them a part of the project and might make them appreciate the importance of it while having fun in the process.

I challenge the readers to come up with some creative ideas that will take care of the problem you presented.

Any ideas readers?

-The Organizer

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