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How to Organize Paperwork

by Lori
(Boylston, MA)

I always have at least 2 piles of papers on my desk....they are usually things that I need to take care of, but sometimes they get buried as more and more "stuff" comes in. I have 3 girls in school and it is getting out of control. I also have a dining room table full of their artwork and school work. Any ideas on how to make sense of the papers????

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Mar 18, 2010
Getting Paperwork Under Control
by: The Organizer

Hi Lori,

I have written extensively about each of the items that you are asking about. I suggest that you read the article on organizing school papers first. Once you get that chaos taken care of, things get a lot more manageable.

Next, I suggest that you organize your home office and work to maintain a clutter free dining table.

If you click on the links provided above, I am sure that you will find the help that you need.

The best to you.

-The Organizer

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