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Excellent organizing site!

by Deborah D.

This is an EXCELLENT site. I am a web developer and communications professional and I can tell you this site has the two most important features of a good site -

1) a pleasing, "clean" appearance and

2) well-organized, relevant content that is easy to find and easy to read.

I am probably about to be laid off from my current job and have wanted to try professional organizing for a long time so I decided this might be a good time to go for it. In doing initial research, I came across your site and have spent almost a half hour here, reading. That means you're doing something right. If you don't already track web traffic data for your site, you should!

WebTrends is a good resource for that.

Anyway, thank you and keep up the good work.

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Apr 25, 2010
Tips on Becoming an Organizer
by: The Organizer

Thank you Deborah for your flattering comments and suggestions. Good luck with your professional organizer endeavor!

It might be helpful to you to read my story about my organizer journey.

The best to you.

-The Organizer

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