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Don't Know Where to Start Organizing

by Marina

You can not even see the floor in my room! Help!


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Apr 05, 2010
Have Courage in Organizing a Room
by: Anonymous

It must be completely overwhelming for you.
If you just take it small- bit by small bit -you CAN do it.
Try to put a large sheet or a blanket to cover up most of the clutter in the area you want to start in. Then tackle one box, or one drawer, or one surface at a time.
Remember the longest walk started with the first step!!

Apr 02, 2010
The Secret to Getting Started in Organizing!
by: The Organizer

Hi Marina!
It seems like you are overwhelmed. This is the number one reason that some people never get organized ? because they don't know where to start. I'm happy to help!

I suggest that you start with a "space" rather than a whole room. For instance, if it is bedroom that you want to organize, start with the closet. Once it is organized, you will discover some space to use for other things and you will have the confidence to move on to something else until you have the whole room organized. Once you get something totally organized, you will want to organize everything! Seriously, it is contagious.

Be sure to read my content on organizing room by room. You will find extremely helpful and encouraging.

-The Organizer

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