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Clean and Attractive Kids' Rooms

by Naga

How do I make the kids' rooms look clean? How can I make the rooms more impressive to the kids?

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Mar 03, 2010
Getting Kids to Take Ownership in Their Bedroom
by: The Organizer

Hello Naga. The challenges that you are facing are common among parents. Kids and parents just don't agree on what is clean and what isn't. Believe me, I know.

You are on the right track by wanting to make the room more impressive to the child. If they find the room to be impressive, they are more likely to help in keeping it clean and organized. However, they have take ownership of the room before you get to that point.

I suggest involving the child in the process of cleaning and organizing the room while giving special attention to the things that matter to them.

For instance, if your child thrives on collecting dolls, cars or just about anything, choosing a "showcase" for the things that are important to them will set the mood for cleaning and organizing the room. This can involve purchasing shelves, a book case or a knick knack cabinet and establishing it as a focal point in their bedroom. They will want to show off their showcase which will lead them (with a little bit of encouragement) to keep the room clean and tidy.

You will also find tips in my article about organizing kids rooms. I suggest that you read it before you start.

Thank you so much for consulting with me.

-The Organizer

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