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A Half Hour a Day keeps the Clutter Away

by Amy

I'm a WAHM whose been living in some hard family circumstances for about 5 years. During this time and for the previous 10 years we've lived in the same house. I have 4 kids, work full time and do caregiving. I also became a single mom last year.

So what's happened is our house went out of control. I haven't been too good about teaching my kids to help and I literally haven't had time to do more than what is absolutely necessary as far as cleaning and organizing. We have the normal amount of stuff that most families do but things weren't being put away and we had not been getting rid of outgrown toys and clothes. Clutter has definitely built up!

I used to keep a clean and organized house and we were not always frantic. I wanted that feeling again so a few months ago I made a commitment to spend half hour every morning organizing or cleaning "something". This is not the best time for me as I am not a morning person but it is the only time so I do it then anyway. At least I make some progress!

I also made a commitment to myself to spend a half hour a day (before the kids come home from school!) "organizing" my heart and my body. That might sound strange but that's kind of what it's like. I had no time to take care of myself the past few years and you know what can happen then. You might say that I have added a bit of "clutter". Also, although my faith has been strengthened through the hardships, I needed to keep it at the forefront and not let my heart become cluttered.

I'm happy to say that things are transforming right before our very eyes! Our house is slowly, and I mean slowly, returning to order. We have a garage that is filling up with unneeded items. We may have a garage sale using your garage sale organizing tips. Or if I get a raise, we might just dontate it all. I have not lost much weight but I am getting rid of the "clutter" and I have energy again. There is a smile on my face when my children come home from school. And there is a smile on theirs. We are not frantic anymore.

So I just wanted to share that a half hour a day organizing "something" really can make a difference.

I cannot think of a better gift to give my children.

~ Amy ~

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Dec 01, 2007
Decluttering our hearts, for the sake of the children
by: Julie


I remember reading somewhere that one of the simplest yet most important gifts we can give our children is to smile, to light up, when we see them.

My heart was warmed when I read that you now greet your children after school with a smile.

And I loved the idea of decluttering my heart. Even on days when I can't face the mess, I can still spend a bit of time focusing on what's important to me. Thanks!


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