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Extreme Clutter Tip

by Gabriel
(truro, N.S. Canada)

If your home is overcome by clutter, recognize that this may be the cause of unresolved issues... shame, frustration or possibly depression.

My suggestion in this case is to entirely empty one large room and imagine you just had a fire (Heaven forbid!). Then make a list of the absolute essential things you would need to live in that one room.

The rest can then be sorted and placed, given away or dumped.

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May 05, 2015
Extreme Clutter Tip
by: Emily Eric

I have some bad habits of throwing things around and keep making my house a trash bin. But I am now planning to organize myself and my house. It really leads to the frustration if you have a house like this. I like your blog giving me directions and inspire me to change myself. Thank you for such a great resource.

Feb 12, 2008
Benefits of a "Clean Room"
by: Erin

Gabriel, I couldn't agree more! In fact one approach I take with clients who are really struggling or overwhelmed is to do just that. We start by completely emptying one space. Sometimes it's just a closet or a shelf or even a drawer. Which space doesn't matter as much as the end result. The idea is to give people a chance to experience the peace that an organized space can provide. 9 times out of 10, clients will tell me how much they love opening up that room or closet or drawer and just knowing that one little area is clean and organized brings hope.

It's great if you can help people resolve whatever is causing them to allow their homes to become cluttered. I've found that working through the decluttering process is different for each client yet I've never witnessed any client who didn't feel that their life was dramatically improved by learning to let go of "things" to make time for what's important... spending time with those you love.


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